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Types of fluid retention

Initially, you’ll need to work out what form of fluid retention you may have. This may sound strange but there are 3 main forms of fluid retention and finding out which form you have is relatively straightforward. Simply read the following examples and decide which one best describes your circumstances. You may find yourself identifying with more than one type – this doesn’t matter. If you are at all unsure, a visit to your GP is a good idea to rule out more serious (medical) causes of fluid retention. The rest of this website has been designed to help you understand more about fluid retention and to explain about a safe, natural approach to the problem.

Cyclical fluid retention*

You’re certainly not alone if you notice that your symptoms (such as breast tenderness, swollen fingers, weight gain and abdominal bloating) flare up or appear around the time of the monthly period – an estimated 10 million women in the UK complain of this type of fluid retention and there is plenty you can do to help yourself, without even needing to trouble your doctor.

Some physicians refer to this kind of fluid retention as ‘cyclical’ whilst women’s magazines and many books recognise these symptoms as part of the form of Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS).

Water tablets (diuretics) are rarely prescribed by doctors for this form of fluid retention since they are unsuitable and are associated with long-term side effects(4). With so many women suffering with cyclical fluid retention and so little suitable medical treatment, a large majority of sufferers are left to struggle with the condition by themselves. This website will explain how a new, natural product now gives these women the chance to tackle fluid retention safely.

General fluid retention*

Although the actual symptoms of ‘general fluid retention’ vary little from cyclical fluid retention (e.g. breast tenderness, swollen fingers, weight gain and abdominal bloating) what distinguishes this form of fluid retention is that women of menopausal age also suffer. General fluid retention can also affect women who are still having periods – it’s just that the symptoms are with sufferers all the time, irrespective of the time of month.

Doctors refer to this kind of fluid retention as ‘idiopathic’, which means that there is no obvious cause for the symptoms. Water tablets (diuretics) are rarely prescribed by doctors for this form of fluid retention since they are unsuitable and are associated with long-term side effects(4). To learn about a safe, new, natural plant supplement that has already helped hundreds of women who complain of general fluid retention, keep reading!

Medical fluid retention*

If your fluid retention symptoms are related to liver, kidney or heart problems, your doctor will have already explained to you what treatments are available.
* Although most cases of fluid retention are not associated with medical conditions, a visit to the GP is always recommended when symptoms first appear or flare up so that more serious problems can be ruled out.
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