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Spider Veins (Thread Veins)

Up to 30% of all women are expected to develop spider veins, those tiny red and blue capillaries that occur typically on the face or on the thighs. They are thought to arise as a result of tiny capillaries following a route of least resistance (which is close to the skin surface) as they grow through the dermis of the skin. They are believed to do this because their walls, which are made largely of collagen, are weakened to the extent that the pressure of blood in them is able to form bulges in the vessel wall and the capillaries basically then grow in the direction of the bulge!

In this recent study the women with spider veins on their thighs were split in to the two groups (Colladeen® Visage and Placebo) and their spider veins visually assessed and graded using an established protocol. The visual assessment and grading was repeated at the end of the study.

The group taking Colladeen® Visage had a 50% reduction in the appearance of their spider veins whereas the placebo group showed no change. Although the study was undertaken on Colladeen® Visage, we have many anecdotal reports from women already taking Colladeen® Original, who have noticed an improvement in their skin’s appearance.

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